Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Different Teaching Styles in Physical Education Essay -- Physical Educ

How would the quality of teaching for a physical education class be judged? In a math class, you might judge the quality by how fast the students can comprehend the material being taught. In a writing class you may judge the quality by the way the students construct their sentences. But in a physical education class the best way to judge the quality of teaching is translated into the amount of fun the class is having. Certain teaching styles will work best in this environment. From the book The Spectrum of teaching styles, From Command to Discovery, written by Muska Mosston, he explains that there are a variety of teaching styles. These styles are all a part of the Spectrum of Learning. The spectrum of learning is defined as â€Å"the framework for teaching where the term teaching style was selected to differentiate the descriptions of specific teaching behavior.†(Mosston, 1986) Mosston explains that through the process of decision-making, we are left with eleven styles of teaching on the spectrum. â€Å"Mosston’s analyses showed that for any style a teacher might choose, certain aspects or possibilities of the teaching-learning situation were facilitated while other as4pects were diminished.† (Thomson, 2009) meaning there are both strengths and weaknesses of each teaching style. The styles are, The Command style, The Practice Style, The Reciprocal Style, The Self-check Style, The Inclusion Style, The Guided Discovery Style, The Diver gent Style, The Convergent Discovery style, The Divergent Production Style, Learner Designed Individual Program Style, The Learner Initiated Style, and The Self Teaching Style. Each style is unique in its own way and each is practiced in teaching. (Mosston, 1986) Although, it is apparent that there are seve... ... styles in physical education are successful only when the students are having fun. Based on research the teaching style that is most successful is the command style of teaching. Although, there are several that can be used to also enhance the amount of fun that is had. Works Cited Mosston, M., & Ashworth, S. (1986). The Spectrum of Teaching Styles From Command to Discovery (Third Edition ed. , pp. 1-20). Columbus Ohio: Merrill Publishing Company. Winnick, J. P. (2005). Adapted Physical Education and Sport (Vol. 1, 4th ed., pp. 107-108) Cai, S. (1998). Student enjoyment of physical education class in three.. Education, 118(3), 412. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database. Thomson, W. (2009). Mosston's Styles of Teaching: A Review of Command Style. Virginia Journal, 30(2), 20-22. Retrieved from SPORTDiscus with Full Text database.

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